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Internet Surfer 2.0 (Wayzata Technology) (1996).iso
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS);faqs.013
The CD-ROM Users Group (see above) has a diagnostic CD-ROM that
will tell you how much information your drive can handle.
12. Why doesn't MSCDEX work with DOS 5.0?
You must use SETVER with MS-DOS 5.0, to make MSCDEX 2.20 work properly.
Otherwise you will get an incorrect DOS version message. See the MS-DOS
5.0 documentation on how to use SETVER. MSCDEX 2.21 works with MS-DOS 5.0
without SETVER.
13. Where can I get the latest version of MSCDEX?
Call MS BBS at 206-936-4082. Choose F for file library, S UPDATES, F to
list files, then D MSCDEX.ZIP to download the file. (Microsoft may have
deleted this file.)
You can get the latest version of MSCDEX (2.21) in a self-extracting zip
archive via anonymous ftp from cdrom.com:/pub/cdext.exe.
14. I bought a used drive at a garage sale. Where can I find a driver for it?
NEC, Philips and Sony have BBS's where you might be able to find drivers
for their drives:
NEC BBS: +1 508 635-6328
Philips BBS: +1 310 532-6436
Sony BBS: +1 408 955-5107 or +1 408 372-7426
Toshiba operates a bulletin board in Compuserve.
Jim Rohrer, Chief Sysop, 76702,1300@compuserve.com
They promise an answer within 24 hours.
15. What is the difference between `High Sierra' and ISO-9660?
Not much. When the standard was first proposed, it was given the name
"High Sierra'. Later it was adopted as an offical standard, with a few
minor modifications, and was designated ISO-9660. Usually when someone
says "High Sierra", they really mean ISO-9660.
16. Where can I get a copy of the ISO-9660 standard?
You can order a copy of the ISO-9660 standard from
Attn: Sales
11 West 42nd Street
New York, NY 10036
Cost to US destinations is $50, plus $6 shipping, check or money order.
17. What is an HFS disc?
HFS is the Macintosh's Hierarchical Filing System. It is unrelated
to High Sierra and ISO-9660 formats. Most CD-ROMs intended for the
Macintosh are created in the HFS format, since HFS does support the
Mac's resource and data forks and file information.
There are drivers made by AsimWare (AsimCDFS) and Xetec that allows HFS
discs to be read on an Amiga. There is a list of differences that the
drivers contends with, such as non-standard characters and 32 character
filenames (Amiga supports only 30).
[ If anyone can tell me where the HFS specs can be obtained, I will include
that information here. ]
18. Can you give a short explaination of ISO-9660?
ISO-9660 is an international standard that defines a filesystem for
CD-ROMs. Almost all systems support ISO-9660.
Level one ISO-9660 is similar to an MS-DOS filesystem. Filenames are
limited to eight single-case characters, a dot, and a three character
extension. Filenames cannot contain special characters, (no hyphens,
tildes, equals, or pluses). Only single case letters, numbers, and
underscores. Directory names cannot have the three digit extension,
just eight single-case characters.
All alphabetics are in UPPER case; some software maps this to lower case.
Either the file name or the extension may be empty, but not both ("F."
and ".E" are both legal file names).
There is a "File Version Number" which can range from 1-32767, and is
separated from the extension by a semi-colon. The file version number
is ignored on many systems.
Here are some examples of legal and illegal filenames:
Legal Illegal Why
TEST.1C TEST.1C.TXT more than 1 period
README Readme not single case
Subdirectories are allowed to nest up to eight levels deep.
Level two ISO-9660 allows longer filenames, up to 32 characters.
But many of the other restrictions still apply. Level two discs
are not usable on some systems, particularly MS-DOS.
19. What the heck does `Red Book', `Yellow Book', etc. mean?
"Red Book" is the common name of the "Compact Disc Digital Audio
Standard". When a disc conforms to the red book standard, it will
usually have "digital audio" printed below the "disc" logo. Most music
CDs conform to this standard.
"Yellow Book" is the standard for CD-ROM. When a disc conforms to the
yellow book, it will usually say "data storage" beneath the "disc" logo.
"Green Book" is the CD-I (compact disc interactive) standard.
"Orange Book" is the standard for write-once compact discs.
"Blue Book" is the standard for LaserDisc.
You can get the Red Book and Yellow Book from
Attn: Sales
1430 Broadway
New York, NY 10018
(212) 642-4900
Red Book: CEI IEC 908
Yellow Book: ISO 10149:1989
You can get the Green Book from
American CD-I Association
11111 Santa Monica, Suite 750
Los Angeles, CA 90025
(213) 444-6619
[If anyone can tell me where the other standards are available, I will
include that information here.]
20. What is CD-I?
CD-I means "Compact Disc Interactive". It is meant to provide a standard
platform for mass consumer interactive multimedia applications. So it is
more akin to CD-DA, in that it is a full specification for both the
data/code _and_ standalone playback hardware: a CD-I player has a CPU,
RAM, ROM, OS, and audio/video/(MPEG) decoders built into it. Portable
players add an LCD screen and speakers/phonejacks.
If you want information about Philips CD-I products, you can call these
US: Consumer hotline: 800-845-7301
For nearest store: 800-223-7772
Developers hotline: 800-234-5484
UK: Philips CD-I hotline: 0800-885-885
"Discovering CD-I" is a book available for $45 from:
"Discovering CD-I"
Microware Systems Corporation
1900 NW 114th Street
Des Moines, IA 50325-7077
21. What is CD-ROM/XA?
CD-ROM/XA is an extension to the Yellow Book Standard. A track on
a CD-ROM/XA disc can contain computer data, compressed audio data,
and video/picture data. Many CD-ROM drives do not support CD-ROM/XA.
CD-ROM/XA extends CD-ROM by adding some of the CD-I disc features (such
as using Mode 2 tracks with interleaved compressed-audio and other data).
Thus CD-ROM/XA (eXtended Architecture) is often called the "Bridge" format
between CD-ROM and CD-I... though the relationship is mostly the sector
types. CD-ROM/XA applications still require specific code for each target
CDROM-XA specifies a `bridge format' so that a CDROM-XA disc can be read
on a CD-I player as well as on a PC under MSCDEX (provided that you use
a conforming (.SYS) driver. On a normal yellow-book CDROM, a data track
contains only mode-1 data sectors. On a CDROM-XA, a (the) data track
contains only mode-2 data sectors. A mode-2 sector can be of two formats,
form-1 and form-2. A form-1 sector contains 2048 bytes of user data,
together with EDC and ECC bytes. A form-2 sector contains 2324 bytes of
raw data (e.g. ADPCM audio or video data). If the device driver delivers
2048 bytes of data when MSCDEX asks for it, regardless whether the sector
is mode-1 or mode-2/form-1, the PC is CDROM-XA compatible.
22. What are the Rock Ridge extensions?
The Rock Ridge extensions use some undefined fields in the ISO-9660 standard
to allow full unix-like filenames, symbolic links, and deep directories.
"Rock Ridge" is named after the town in the movie "Blazing Saddles" for no
particular reason.
To receive a copy of the current version of the Rock Ridge specifications,
please contact Bob Niland, e-mail rjn@fc.hp.com, fax 303 229 4545. You
can ftp the Rock Ridge specs from cdrom.com: /pub/rockridge.
For information on Rock Ridge at Sun, try rrinfo@Eng.Sun.COM or
For information on Unix-based premastering software supporting the Rock Ridge
extensions contact:
Young Minds Inc.
1910 Orange Tree Lane
Suite 300
Redlands, CA 92374
714 335-1350
714 798-0488 FAX
Rock Ridge is expected to be approved as an ISO standard during the first
quarter of 1993.
23. Is a short technical introduction to these standards available?
The file ftp.apple.com( /pub/cd-rom/cd-rom.summary gives
a short techie introduction to compact disc technology.
There is a good short general article on CD-Rom and its's many
variations (CD-XA, CD-I, CDTV, PhotoCD) called MULTIMEDIA IN A MUDDLE
by Barry Fox in the New Scientist (London, ISSN# 0262-4079) vol. 131
no. 1787 (Sep 21, 1991) pp.35-38
There is a very good article by Bill and Lynne Jolitz "Inside the
ISO-9660 Filesystem Format" in the December 1992 Dr. Dobbs Journal.
Detailed source code examples are provided. They are planning followup
articles covering Rock Ridge, CDI and CDROM-XA.
There is a good brief explaination of all these standards in the paper
"Compact Disc Terminology"
Nancy Klocko
Disc Manufacturing Inc.
1409 Foulk Road, Suite 202
Wilmington, DE 19803
Here is some information from the paper:
Red Book == CD-Audio
Yellow Book == CD-ROM
Mode-1 is for computer data
Mode-2 is for compressed audio data and video/picture data
CD-ROM/XA == an EXTENSION to Yellow Book and defines a new type of track.
CD-ROM Mode 2, XA Format, is used for computer data, compressed audio
data, and video/picture data. A CD-ROM / XA track may interleave Mode 2
compressed audio and Mode 2 data sectors. Additional hardware is needed
to separate these when playing the disc. The hardware is programmed to
separate the audio from the data, decompress the audio and play it out
through the audio jacks. At the same time, the hardware passes the data
to the computer.
NOTE: Additional hardware is needed to play a CD-ROM / XA disc. Several
vendors offer an XA interface board that will allow an existing CD-ROM
drive to play CD-ROM / XA discs.
Green Book == Compact Disc Interactive (CD-I)
Orange Book == Recordable Compact disc Standard
Part I - CD-MO (Magneto Optical)
Consists of optional Pre-Mastered (READ-ONLY) area and a Recordable
(re-writable) user area.
Part II - CD-WO (Write Once)
Orange Book Part II also defines a second type of CD-WO disk called
a "Hybrid Disc". This disc consists of a Pre-recorded Area and a
Recordable Area. The Pre-recorded area is a READ ONLY area where
the information is manufactured into the disc. (This area is written
per the Red, Yellow, and Green Book specifications, and can be played
on any CD-Player.) The Recordable areas are where additional
recordings can be made in one or more sessions. Only the first
session on the disc is readable by todays CD-Players; additional
software will be needed to read the additional sessions.
A TOC (Table of Contents) is written during each recording session.
Disc will have multiple TOCs, one for each recording session.
Photo-CD is an example of a "Hybrid Disc".
CD-Bridge Disc
The CD-Bridge Disc defines a way to add additional information in
a CD-ROM / XA track in order to allow the track to be played on a
CD-I player. the result is a disc that can be played on both a
CD-I player connected to a TV set and on a CD-ROM / XA player
connected to a computer.
An example of a CD-Bridge Disc is the new Photo-CD disc. The
Photo-CD disc will be playable in CD-I players, Kodak's Photo CD
players and in computers using CD-ROM/XA drives.
The Photo CDs will be Mode 2 Form 1 sectors per the CD-ROM / XA
specifications. The disc will be written per the Orange Book Part
II "Hybrid Disc" specifications. This will allow photographs to be
written to the disc in several different sessions. Additionally,
the disc will use the CD-Bridge disc format to allow the disc to be
readable by both CD-I and CD-ROM / XA players.
The photographs written to the disc in the first session will use
the ISO 9660 format. These photographs will be readable with the
existing CD-ROM / XA players connected to a computer running new
software written for the Photo CD picture structure. Additionally,
the photographs will be displayable on CD-I Players and Photo CD
Players connected to a TV set.
Photographs written to disc after the first session will be
displayable on CD-I Players and Photo CD players. New software
and/or firmware will be needed to read these additional photographs
with existing CD-ROM/XA players.
24. Are there any ftp sites with good stuff related to CD-ROMs?
A couple of sites with cdrom related stuff are
cdrom.com ( /pub [ This site is maintained by me. ]
cs.uwp.edu ( /pub/cdrom
25. How do I write an MSDOS program that can access a cdrom using MSCDEX?
The MSCDEX interface documentation is available on the Microsoft Programmer's
Library CD-ROM. This also has detailed specifications for drivers that talk
to MSCDEX. It even provides solutions to a number of sticky problems.
The file mscdex21.zip contains Microsoft's info on how to talk to the
CD-ROM extensions (MSCDEX.EXE) and a sample DOS application which is crude
but effective in playing audio tracks. This file is available via
anonymous ftp from ftp.cica.indiana.edu:/pub/pc/win3/uploads/mscdex21.zip
or cdrom.com:/pub/mscdex21.zip.
MSCDEX programming information can be found in INTER31?.ZIP. Ralf Brown's
interrupt bible. The information is very complete. The interrupt list
is available via anonymous ftp from Simtel20 (wsmr-simtel20.army.mil) or
from the mirror site wuarchive.wustl.edu: /mirrors/msdos/info/inter31?.zip.
There is a book by Ray Duncan (Microsoft Press) detailing all extensions
to Dos (XMS, LIM EMS, MSCDEX etc..) which should be available in book
stores. The title is "MS-DOS EXTENSIONS" ISBN 1-55615-212-4.
26. How do I mount an ISO-9660 disc on a Sun?
Su to root and run this command,
# mount -r -t hsfs /dev/sr0 /cdrom
or even better, put the following line in your /etc/fstab
/dev/sr0 /cdrom hsfs ro 0 0
and then run
# mount /cdrom
Don Trimmer, of Delta Microsystems, has written a program that allows
safe mount/umount operations without requiring super user permissions.
You can get his program by anonymous ftp from cdrom.com:/pub/mount.c
27. How do I use a cdrom with OS/2?
What you need to do to make your cdrom drive work under os/2 is:
1) make a bootable msdos floppy disk which is configured so that
you can use the cdrom after booting from this floppy.
2) copy the files fsaccess.sys and fsfilter.sys onto the floppy and
then add DEVICE= statements to the CONFIG.SYS for the floppy.
3) copy the floppy disk to the os/2 hard disk using the VDISK command.
4) create an icon with the "boot from drive" option set to the name
of the file created by the VDISK command.
5) Click on the icon.
OS/2 has builtin support for IBM drives, and for SCSI third party
drives. The Sony CDU 541 works well.
What you need to do if you don't have one of the supported drives, is
use the OS/2 command VMDISK to create a bootable "diskette image" on your
hard disk. On the diskette image file, you will copy a CONFIG.SYS file,
an AUTOEXEC.BAT, and the drivers you require for your CDROM. This feature
allows you use any driver with OS/2. The down side is that you can't
access the device in the image box from any OS/2 window. You have to use
the bootable image box to copy files back and forth between the image box
and any other. If you have one of the supported drives, you can access it
from any box.
The VMDISK technique is only needed for unsupported, mainly non-SCSI
drives. Some unsupported SCSI drives, such as the NEC CDR-84, work
fine with OS/2
The only thing to do in order to make some unsupported SCSI CD-ROM
drives work (as a data CD-ROM, MM is another problem) is to patch the
vendor ID string into \OS2\CDROM.SYS. Simply replace "TOSHIBA " by
"NEC ", etc. i.e. with blank-padding to eight characters. This is
known to work with NEC and SONY drives. It does not work with some
Matsushita (Panasonic) drives.
28. Which CD-ROM Drives will work with MicroSoft Windows-NT?
The Microsoft(R) Windows NT(TM) operating system is designed to
support a broad range of hardware. This is a preliminary list of
hardware that we have run Windows NT on to date. This is a subset of
the hardware we expect to support in the final product.
The following hardware has undergone preliminary testing for this
release. We have not tested every machine and/or device in all
possible configurations. Microsoft makes no warranties express or
implied in this document.
disk controllers:
100% Register Compatible with WD1003 - ESDI, IDE, WD1003
Compaq Intelligent Drive Array
Adaptec AHA-1540b, AHA-1542b, AHA-1640, AHA-1740
Future Domain TMC-845, TMC-850, TMC-850M(ER), MCS-700 (7), TMC-1660 (7)
TMC-1680 (7), TMC-7000EX
IBM SCSI Host Adapter (10)
Maynard 16 Bit SCSI Adapter (11)
NCR 53C700
Olivetti ESC - 1 Adapter
Built-in SCSI on MIPS ARC/R4000 systems from : Acer, MIPS and Olivetti
CD-ROM devices:
CD Technology CD Porta-Drive T-3301
Chinon CDX-431
Denon(R) DRD 253
Hitachi(R) CDR-1750S
NEC Intersect CDR-73(M), Intersect CDR-84
Pioneer(R) DRM-600
Sony(R) CDU-541, CDU-6211, CDU-7211
Toshiba XM-3201, TXM-3301
(7) A driver that supports both Setup and File I/O for the Future
Domain MCS-700, and TMC-16X0 series controllers will be posted to
CompuServe in the WINNT forum, Lib 2 "Fixes and Updates".
(10) Earlier versions of this controller have proven to have problems
with various CD-Rom drives. The Chinon CDX-431 and NEC Intersect
CDR-73 are known to work with this version of controller.
(11) The Maynard SCSI Adapter can be used as a general purpose SCSI
controller for all tasks but graphical setup.
29. How do I read an audio cd track as digital data?
Most CD-ROM drives cannot decode audio information. There are
firmware and data path reasons why it doesn't work. The drive
vendors could make drives that allow this feature.
There are only two drives with the capability to read audio tracks as
date. One is the AppleCD 300, and the other is the CD-ROM drive sold by
Silicon Graphics for use with their Indigo workstation. The SGI drive is
a modified Toshiba 3301B.
Both Sony and Toshiba may support reading audio (red book) CD's on their
next generation drives (the dual speed ones), at least, as an option.
30. Why do CD-ROMs cost so much?
Here are several answers, take your pick:
A. Because too many people are willing to pay the high prices.
B. They are not really very expensive when you consider how much data
they contain. Even the most expensive CD-ROMs are often cheaper
than the least expensive floppies when you figure the cost per byte.
C. Because there isn't enough competition. The prices will come down
when more people buy drives, and more CD-ROM titles are available.
31. Why do all the bundle deals require me to buy a drive? What if I
already have a drive?
Many disc producers sell outdated or surplus discs at steep discounts
to be bundled with new drives. The theory is that the new drive owner
will find the discs useful, and order the latest version at full price.
There are some bundle deals that do not require you to buy a new drive.
For instance, the CD-ROM User's Group (see above) has a bundle of ten
discs for $99.
32. Are alt.cd-rom archives available anywhere?
I don't know if there is an ftp site anywhere that archives alt.cd-rom,
but you can retrieve old articles via email:
For a list of files available, send the message
as the first line of your e-mail message to:
or the Internet form of address:
To retrieve an archived message, send the e-mail message
or SENDME CDROM-L LOGyymm as above
where yymm is the year and month of the archive wanted.
e.g. LOG9110 = Log of October 91 messages.
33. What is the shelf-life of a CD-ROM?
If a CD-ROM is not manufactured properly, the lifetime can be very
short, perhaps only a few years. This can happen if the edge of the
disc is not properly sealed, and oxygen reaches the metal surface.
If the disc is manufactured properly, it will last a very long time.
Most CD-ROMs should last for more than a human lifetime.
Philips has proposed new standards for testing CD-ROMs that are expected
to result in discs that will enjoy a life span of more than a thousand
years. For more information see Fox, Barry "CD Makers Perform in Unison
to Stop the Rot" New Scientist 134(1815) (April 4, 1992):19.
The laser used in a CD-ROM drive is very low power, and does not
harm the disc in any way. Reading the disc will not shorten
the lifetime.
34. How should I handle my CD-ROMs? How do I clean them?
The following guidelines represent the current thinking for the care
and handling of CD-ROM discs, by a number of CD-ROM disc and drive
manufacturers. The validity and usefulness of most of these
guidelines have not been substantiated by government testing and
therefore are presented for information only.
Wash your hands before contact with the disc. If available, wear
lint-free cloth gloves, finger cots, or talc-free latex gloves.
If you must wipe the disc, do so with a soft, dry, lint-free cloth in
a radial motion- that is from the inner to the outer hub- not in a
circular motion around the disc like you might do for a phonograph
record. The most devastating scratches are those which occur along a
radius of the disc which can obscure a long stream of pits.
Certain cleaning agents and solvents can damage the discs. Some of
these include: gasoline, paint thinners, benzine, acetone, carbon
tetrachloride, chlorinated cleaning solvents, ammonia, and household
detergents which contain ammonia. Do not clean with a water soaked
cloth. The use of Isopropyl alcohol, the ingredient in many
commercial CD cleaning products, as well as certain waxes and acrylic
liquids, is still questionable.
Do not clean the label side of the disc.
Use of a CD-ROM caddy is highly recommended during transport and
operation. Limit the amount of physical contact with the disc.
Always handle the disc by the outer edge and/or the inner (hole) edge.
Never touch the data surface.
Discs like to "live" in the same conditions that people do; that is:
They don't like to be manhandled
They don't like exposure to temperature extremes
They don't like exposure to excess humidity
They don't like exposure to high intensity UV light
Ron Kushnier, Chairman
Compact Disc- Reliability & Integrity of Media Working Group of
The Special Interest Group on CD-ROM Applications and Technology
Code 5053
Naval Air Warfare Center
Warminster, PA. 18974
(215) 441-1624
FAX (215) 441-7271
35. Which drives will work with Kodak Photo CD?
According to Kodak, the following drives are compatible:
Magnavox CDD461
Sony CDU-6205
The NEC CDR-83 is probably OK, too, but there are problems with
the NEC CDR-74 and CDR-84 drives.
To view more than just the first recorded session, you need a multisession
drive. Apparently these drives are single session only.
36. What is a multisession CD drive?
A CD has an "index" area which contains track details; this is what is
read when you first stick an audio CD into a player. Photo-CDs have a
separate index area each time they are written (because it is impossible
to "update" the index area). A multisession drive is one that knows to
look for multiple index areas. The full details are contained in the
Philips/Sony/Kodak "Orange Book" standard for writable CDs.
The issues of CD-WO and how multsessions are recorded are addressed in the
European Computer Manufacture Association (ECMA) new standard ECMA 168,
which became a standard in June of this year. The title of the standard is
"Volume and File Structure of Read-Only and Write-Once Compact Disc Media
for Information Interchange". This standard expands upon the ISO-9660
CD-ROM standard.
37. How does Photo CD work?
In a nut shell, 35mm film (negative, slide, B&W, internegative) is scanned
by an image scanner and transfered to XA-formatted CD-ROM discs. These
discs are manufactured by burning (writing) -- not by pressing.
Each scanned image on the disc is kept in five resolutions. These five
resolutions are called: Base/16, Base/4, Base, 4Base, and 16Base. As
examples, Base/16 is one sixteenth the resolution of the "Base" image, and
16Base is sixteen times the resolution of "Base". (These are not simply
larger picture elements. There are in increased number of scan lines.)
The 4Base and 16Base images are are compressed using Huffman encoding. You
need the decompression software to pull the higher resolutions out of the
image. You would typically need these higher resolutions if you want
enlargements or if you intend to use an HDTV as a display device.
38. Where can I get some information about the Kodak Photo CD?
To learn more about Photo CD products or other KODAK desktop color
imaging products, contact Eastman Kodak Company at 1-800-242-2424 Ext 51
or 716-724-1021, ext. 53.